
CLOtherapy... - reviews

90.01. The News - Portsmouth (1990): Wednesday 3rd January.
‘...DRESS WITH SENSE... The hotline with advice on how to dress for health rather than fashion... Mr Gracey is keen to receive letters from all those interested... A free fact sheet will be sent to anyone enclosing a first class (20p) stamp...’

90.01. Burton Mail - Burton (1990): Wednesday 3rd January.
‘...PHONE HOTLINE ON HOW TO DRESS FOR HEALTH... A new health hotline has been set up advising the caller that wrong attitudes to clothes are a main cause of many minor and serious illnesses... The message is that a major cause of illness in humans is overheating...’

90.01. Reading Post - Reading (1990): Thursday 4th January.
‘...WARNING! YOUR CLOTHES MAY MAKE YOU VERY ILL... Overclothing weakens the body's immune system and therefore assists the illness... Wrap up to well and you could do more harm than good!..’

90.01. Clwyd Tonight - Clwyd (1990): Thursday 4th January.
‘...It is no coincidence that some sensitive areas of the body have little protected fat and that during almost every illness the temperature of the body rises noticeably...’

90.01. Cheshire Tonight - Cheshire (1990): Thursday 4th January.
‘...We are mammals and therefore warm-blooded but we treat ourselves like reptiles which lack an internal means of controlling their own temperature...’

90.01. Chronicle Weekend - Oldham (1990): Thursday 4th January.
‘...RESEARCHER STARTS TOO-HOT HOTLINE... Weakening... Over clothing suppresses this natural tendency, weakening the body's immune system and, therefore, assists the illness...’

90.01. Chester Tonight - Chester (1990): Thursday 4th January.
‘...The spine acts like a thermostat and so it is vital that it is allowed to sense what the true temperature of the climate is...’

90.01. Evening Telegraph - Kettering (1990): Saturday 6th January.
‘...Don't get hot under the collar, says new report... KEEP YOUR COOL! Wrapping up against the blasts of winter is the latest traditions to have been given the thumbs down... Warm sweaters may be wonderful, but new thinking says we shouldn't overdo it... Dress for health rather than fashion, says expert who believes we can help ourselves to a better lifestyle...’

90.01. Evening Echo - Basildon (1990): Tuesday 9th January.
‘...KEEP YOUR COOL FOR A HEALTHY LIFE... Maintaining a comfortable low temperature ensures we function at maximum potential - and it can even help us to stay slim... Simply by cooling down - by leaving off a layer of clothes, by turning the central heating down, by opening a window - we can give ourselves a better chance at avoiding disease and real function... Think how invigorating a cold shower can be on a hot day. You step in feeling lethargic, exhausted, feeble and step out feeling full of beans and raring to go...’

90.01. Evening Post - Bristol (1990): Tuesday 30th January.
‘...DANGER: CLOTHES CAN DAMAGE YOUR HEALTH... Misuse of clothing can seriously damage your health... Keeping our bodies warmer than they need to be causes many minor and serious illnesses... Bothered... Don't be hot and bothered, he says, but keep as cool as a cucumber... It's an interesting theory...’

90.02. The Irish News (1990): Wednesday 28th February.
‘...OR SIMPLY DRESSING FOR HEALTH?... Nicholas Dynes Gracey, a graduate in medical biochemistry from Birmingham University, has set up Adrenaline REsearch, so named because he wants the subject of health to be looked at again...’

92.04. Castles, P. (Editor) (1992): The Editor writes. Bodybuilding Monthly, Apr, p10.
‘Adrenaline have just developed a revolutionary new sweat top, designed specifically for athletes, bodybuilders and weight trainers to wear in the gym... The designers and manufacturers have created a completely new concept in gym wear, and it is likely that before long we will all be wearing the patented CLOtherapy sweat top...’

92.11. Belfast News Letter (1992): Thursday 19th November.
‘...A FAT LOT OF USE TO DIET... What if your weight depends moreon what you wear than what you eat? This theory is being pioneered by Adrenaline REsearch which has patented and produced a fashion range of "CLOtherapy" clothing to help control your weight. Central to the theory is the function of a special fat-burning tissue found in the body called brown fat. The connection between brown fat, energy balance and weight control has long been known. Even a very tiny amount of brown fat can greatly influence how much energy from food gets stored as fat. There are millions of fat cells in the body. Most are white, fat-storing cells. Babies are born with an abundance of brown fat. In adults in areas like the neck, chest, armpits and next to the spine, brown fat cells can be found. Brown fat activity results in heat generation. By consuming large quantities of calories, brown fat can turn fat into heat and help you control your weight. Whenever we feel cold we tend to put on extra layer of clothes. Adrenaline REsearch suggests we let our brown fat generate heat to keep us warm. This way, more fat can get converted into heat...’

93.01. Anderson, A. (Alun Anderson, Editor) (1993): Feedback. New Scientist, 30 Jan, p88.
‘...Adrenaline-REsearch suggests that some of the fat in your body-the kind called brown fat-burns up calories when it is cold. So, according to Adrenaline RE-search, if you leave those areas exposed when the temperature falls rather than wrapping them up with clothes, you can “control your weight”... Adrenaline RE-search has produced a special fashion range called CLOtherapy, designed to keep those brown fat areas cool...’

93.02. Jones, H. (TV’s Dr Hilary Jones) (1993): GMTV, ITV, 03 Feb, 06:50.
‘...Yeah, they do look great...’(CLOtherapy Clothing)

93.02. Thorne, H. (Helen Thorne - Fashion Presenter) (1993): GMTV. ITV, 03 Feb, 06:50.
‘...On a fashion note, I think the quality of the clothing is very good... They do look good...’

93.02. Armstrong, F. (Fiona Armstrong - TV Presenter) (1993): GMTV. ITV, 03 Feb, 06:50.
‘...Sports clothing designed to control your weight...Just look like ordinary sports garments...’

93.02. Stevens, G. (Gary Stevens - Tottenham & England Footballer) (1993): GMTV. ITV, 03 Feb, 06:50.
‘...The truth is it’s hard work to keep fit. I’m actually going to speak to Trevor (Trevor Gunn-Adrenaline-REsearch) and see if I can borrow one of those tops...’

93.02. Seymour, I. (Ian Seymour - SKY TV Presenter) (1993): Sunrise. SKY News. 03 Feb, 08:47-08:52 & 12:00.
‘...They call them “ADRENALIN” T-shirts and tracksuits. The system is simple-allowing air to cool parts of the body that sweat a lot like under your arms and down your back. Being cool you burn off more fat trying to warm up. It’s all very simple. It’s those white fat cells that we often find around our midriffs-It’s those white fat cells we want to burn off...’

93.02. Friend, B. (Bob Friend - SKY TV Presenter) (1993): Sunrise. SKY News, 08:47-08:52 & 12:00.
‘...This is an encouragement to general fitness... I suppose with this it’s very warm anyway... You can wear this out and keep warm... Very cheap, very reasonable I think... You’re watching ‘Sunrise’ slim version!..’

93.02. Smith, P. (Penny Smith - SKY TV Presenter) (1993): Sunrise. SKY News, 03 Feb, 08:47-08:52 & 12:00.
‘...So basically what we should all do is run around our houses with the clothing on and let the cold air in and keep warm that way...’

93.02. Pope, N. (1993): Clothes that Help You Slim. Today, 03Feb, p17.
‘...To help keep you warm, the clothes are padded where brown fat does not occur...’

93.02. Gregory, L. (1993): Fat Busters. Yorkshire on Sunday, 14 Feb.
‘...The result is CLOtherapy garments, designed to make use of so-called brown and white fat cells in our body...’

93.02. Clayton, P. R. (Dr Paul Clayton - Health Editor, Woman’s Journal) (1993): Practical Living. UK Living.
‘...There’s a fascinating new therapy that’s been devised by a team of...very interesting scientists... They have something they call clothing therapy or CLOtherapy that looks like ordinary T-shirts or sweatshirts but they have a panel down your backbone which is ventilated and it looks as if by cooling the spine, which is where the nerve endings are that detect your body temperature, that you can encourage the brown fat... Like having your own central heating you can switch it on and start burning calories...’

93.02. Moonlight, Capt. (1993): Captain Moonlight’s Notebook. Independent on Sunday, 28 Feb, p18.
‘...The technique is called CLOtherapy and involves uncovering those parts of your body where brown fat accumulates; in other words the most sweaty parts - breastbone, armpits, groin and spine. Brown fat... Has more blood than ordinary white and yellow fat, and cool temperatures encourage it to convert the other fats into energy. Think of the body as a house... When the central heating is running if you open all the windows more heat goes out and you use up more fuel...’

93.02. Baker, A. (1993): Preamble. Observer on Sunday, 28 Feb, p11.
“...You’ll notice a completely different feeling (CLOtherapy clothing)”... Preamble asked John Garrow, Professor of Human Nutrition at St. Bartholemew’s Hospital, what he thought... ‘Brown fat exists in very small animals like mice and babies, human babies...’

93.02. Love, E. (Editor) (1994): Exercising Brown Fat Generates Heat and Controls Weight. Medical Textiles, Feb, p6.
‘...The new range of clothing - CLOtherapy... Incorporates specially selected sections of fabric which let key areas of the brown fat feel the outside temperature. Because it is designed to help the brown fat to function efficiently, the clothing can help the wearer to control his or her weight...’

93.02. Finnigan, J. (Judy Finnigan - TV Presenter) (1993): This Morning, ITV. Granada TV, 08 Feb, 11:20.
‘...This kind of sports gear... Apparently works wonders... They’re the latest kind of scientifically designed sportswear... To burn off fat...’

93.03. Marshall, K. (1993): Clothes to keep you thin. Printwear & Promotion, Mar/Apr, p42.
‘...Central to the theory is the function of a fat-burning tissue in the body called brown fat. This innovative clothing not only looks good and is fashionable, but is the world’s first designed to facilitate rapid ‘on-off’ control of brown fat to allow it to freely convert fuel into heat whenever you need to...’

93.04. Collins, M. (Radio 4 Presenter) (1993): You and Yours. Radio 4, 19 Apr 12:20.
‘...The CLOtherapy T-shirts and trousers appear at first glance like most leisure clothes but the key... Lies in the strategically placed mesh panels that allow air to circulate under the arms, along the breastbone, down the spine and around the groin...’

93.04. Wright, J. (1993): Dressed For Excess. Health and Fitness, Apr, p19.
‘...It seems we have lots of chubby white fat cells in our bodies, which store fat in case we should ever need it, and a smaller supply of very helpful brown fat which leaps into action when we get cold and coverts the other fat into heat...’

93.04. Raiment, S. (1993): Sun, Apr, p36.
‘...A range of outfits called CLOtherapy which let cool air reach the vital brown fat cells...’

93.04. McLoughlin, J. (1993): Fighting the flabby. New Woman, Apr, p36.
‘...Some parts of the body burn up calories when they get cold...’

93.05. Stock, M.J. (Professor of Physiology & Leading Brown Fat Researcher) (1993): Keeping warm. Nature, 363, p108.
‘...A revolutionary new type of clothing (CLOtherapy)...’

93.05. Graimes, N. (Editor) (1993): Can You Believe It? Vegetarian Living, May, p4.
‘...This is where CLOtherapy - invented by a graduate in Medical Biochemistry - comes into its own. The clothing incorporates sections of a specific fabric which let key areas of your brown fat (armpits, spine, chest, groin) feel the outside temperature, allow excess heat to be lost and thus help your brown fat function efficiently...’

93.05. Farquharson, M. (1993): Healthwise. Here’s Health, May, p8.
‘... You are what you wear...CLOtherapy is a completely new theory... The clothes come with a 30-day money back guarantee...’

93.09. Irving, J. (Jayne Irving - UK Living TV Presenter) (1993): Practical Living. UK Living, Sep.
‘...I was really fascinated to read that there’s a new way you can lose weight which involves just taking your jacket off and driving while it’s quite cold with the window open... ’

93.09. Clayton, P. R. (Dr Paul Clayton - Health Editor) (1993): Your body how it will look 5, 10, 20, years from now. Woman’s Journal, Sep, p48-51.
‘...CLOtherapy - a range of leisurewear that incorporates cooling panels - is in it’s early stages, but evidence suggests you can burn more calories just by wearing the clothes...’

93.11. Smullen, I. (1993): Dressed to Chill. Longevity (USA), Nov, p22-23.
‘...The concept is based on the idea that brown fat, a version of adipose tissue whose main role is to burn energy as heat, can be revved up by exposure to cold...the line of cotton sweats, T’s and such have mesh panels in the places brown fat hangs around-armpits, backbone, breastbone, groin...To chill out those spots and supposedly trick the body into turning up the regular-fat-burning heat...’

94.04. Paculla, T. (1994): Cool Clothes and Vanishing Creams. Marie Claire Health and Beauty, Spring, p142.
‘...You could turn up your own thermostat by wearing less clothing. In the young and healthy, exposure to cold is well known to boost metabolic rates. There is evidence that cooling can switch on your ‘brown fat’ cells. CLOtherapy is a new treatment consisting of clothing designed to do just this. This controlled cooling may also improve circulation and the immune system...’

94.06. Jennings, C. (1994): Five things that will change your life. European éLAN, 10 -16,Jun, p2-3.
‘...What’s going to be big in the next five to ten years?...Clever Clothes...Adrenaline-REsearch... Makes a range of intelligent thermo-regulatory clothing, which will keep your armpits, backbone, groin and breastbone cool, while keeping the rest of you warm...’

94.07. Bean, A. (1994): Fat burning miracles! Slimmer Magazine , Jul, p24-25.
‘...Thermo-Regulatory Clothing... A range of clothing designed to keep most of the body warm, called CLOtherapy (by Adrenaline-REsearch)... Cool certain regions of the body encouraging your “brown” fat to burn extra calories off as heat... Encouraging your body to make more brown shed surplus “white” fat...’

94.07. (1994): Clothes wear away those layers of fat. Sunday Telegraph, 17 Jul, p18.
‘...Get dressed and lose weight...’

94.09. Clayton, P. R. (1994): Can you lose weight by putting on a sweatshirt? Daily Mail, 06 Sep, p36.
‘...The combination of warmth, together with the coolness generated by the thermal panels, is surprisingly comfortable...’

94.12. Turner, C. (Health/Beauty Editor) (1994): Fatty Issue. Company, Dec, p20.
‘...Called Thermo-Regulatory Clothing, it works on the theory that our bodies contain two types of fat...Enter Adrenaline-REsearch’s new CLOtherapy SWEATshirt... Temperature-sensitive nerves send messages to the brain, telling it to use brown fat... Burning more calories... At £39.95 who’s expecting Versace? For more information, contact Adrenaline-REsearch on 014269 54321...’

95.01. Raffael, M. (1995): Fighting Flab. The Sunday Telegraph, Jan 22, p32.
‘...CLOtherapy... Range of shirts... The designs stimulate brown-fat activity and train the body to convert more of its bulky white fat into heat...’

95.08. Thomas, T. (1995): Knowledge. The European MagAZine, Jul 28 - Aug 03, p15.
‘...A British company may have succeeded... Help invigorate your entire nervous system and even help you lose weight...’

96.02. Ashdown P, Kirkwood A, Steel D Sir. (Liberal Democrat MPs) (1996): Look Around. Borders Television, 23 Feb, 13:30.
‘...Who’s idea was this?... Good idea... Should create jobs...’

98.07. Murray, G. (1998): Smart Shirt Is Good For Your Health. Scotland on Sunday, Jul 19, p8.
‘...It's the latest fashion accessory for the beautiful people - a shirt that claims to improve muscle tone and blood circulation while burning off fat just by keeping the wearer's spine cool... Adrenalin, which produces CLOtherapy and is based at Melrose, produces polo shirts, T-shirts, vests and sweatshirts which all incorporate the 'Adrenalin panel' design. The company is also planning a more formal office shirt, but Gracey says it hinges on getting financial backing... Last week, Men's London Fashion Week, saw a whirl of designer side burns, bum-hugging slacks and way out looks paraded on the catwalk. But Gracey says that his shirts could signal the real future for fashion... The real question is 'how would the body design clothing for itself?' and if you match that then perhaps that's the 21st century approach to fashion, he says...’

98.07. Brown, G. (1998): Biochemist Puts Shirt On Invention. The Southern Reporter, Jul 30, p4.
‘...In a unique boost for the flagging Borders textile industry, designers at Tweed Horizons appear to have produced the ultimate fitness fashion accessory-a shirt which improves muscle tone and blood circulation, while at the same time burning off fat. According to Mr Gracey, who has patented the CLOtherapy activewear line, the central nervous system is sensitive to changes in temperature, so providing the spine with a constant cool massage encourages a variety of healthy responces from the body - including strengthening its defence system against disease. "Every time you fight an infection your body temperature rises to indicate this, so if you encourage your temperature to rise by itself then it can fight whatever is round the corner" said Mr Gracey. With regard to the shirt encouraging people to burn off fat, Mr Gracey told us: "The clothing itself is a motivation to be more active because it naturally cools the wearer down. So it's an encouragement to people to do a few minutes warming up, but only in a very comfortable way, just to get the circulation going round the joints and oxygen into the body." Anyone who would like more information on the project can contact Nicholas Gracey at 'ADRENALIN'... on the Internet at: All CLOtherapy'98 polo shirts are available made-to-order in navy and other colours, all with a 42-day money back guarantee...’

98.08. Buirski, D. (1998): New Thoughts On The Meaning Of Keeping Cool. World Sports Activewear, Autumn, Vol 4, No3, p11 & p12.
‘...It is one of the strengths of the English language that it just keeps on developing - new words, new meanings. Keeping cool in sports activewear would normally mean just that. Staying cool and comfortable. Then came the concept of cool as being the in-thing, smart on the streets. To that, add in the meaning of avoiding stress, as in 'keep your cool'. Now put them altogether into a clothing system which could have added medical benefits. That is what Adrenaline-REsearch*, a team at the Tweed Horizons Centre for Sustainable Technology based in Melrose, Scotland, has been doing. Studying the effect of temperature control and clothes in relation to mankind's ability to control it's temper, Adrenaline found that our central nervous system, more than 3lbs (1.361kg) of vital nerve wiring which makes up our brain and spinal cord, is very sensitive to changes in temperature. According to the unit, human thermograms show that the brain and spinal cord warm up rapidly as stress increases... The body of the shirt is made of air-trapping fabric to help keep the body warm but also incorporates a cool 'Adrenalin' fabric zone, using a special polyester high wicking fibre, along the length of the spine, to assist spinal nerves to interact with the environment... Tests done in collaboration with the University of Edinburgh's Scottish College of Textiles, have led to a selection of fabric materials having both optimum TOG (CLO) insulatory capacity together with the required high wickability. In fact, the CLOtherapy philosophy is to mirror the human body's insulation by covering the skin with warm air-trapping fabric where everybody tends to accumulate fat/muscle, and relatively less TOG value of insulatory capacity covering the body's sweatier (heat exchange) zones... "With gentle warm-up exercises, chilling-out wearing our polo shirt encourages and trains a healthy, more youthful thermo-regulatory response." claims Nicholas Dynes Gracey, a medical biochemist and now clothes inventor.... Imagine your opponent on the golf course sinking all those pressure putts because of his polo shirt. It's enough to make you lose your cool... David Buirski... *The Adrenaline-REsearch group publishes it's findings at’

98.08. O'Driscoll, S. (1998): New Products. International Country Clothing Retailer, Aug, p9.
‘...Adrenaline REsearch are introducing five patented CLOtherapy Activewear designs for this autumn/winter. And with suggested prices starting at £29.95 for the CLOtherapy medical sports vest, £39.95 for the T-shirt, £49.95 for the sweat shirt, £59.95 for the polo and £69.95 for the fleece jacket they represent excellent value. High performance country pursuits such as horse riding, cycling, skiing, golf, and walking often involve the body performing at high levels of nerve activity (which generates warmth), which can create a sweaty or overheated environment next to the skin. The most effective way of helping the human nervous system 'stay cool' under active conditions is by allowing the excess warmth to freely escape along the spine... This is where the smart CLOtherapy polo shirt comes to the fore with it's unique 'Adrenalin' zone aligned along the length of nervous tissue of the spinal cord in order to help encourage a cool head, vitality and higher performance... Details - Adrenaline REsearch : Fax 07000-237-362, Web Site -’

98.10. Rawlinson, N. (1998): Lean Times. Personal Computer World, Oct, p675.
‘...CLOtherapy clothing that actually makes you thin... Website <> explains, wear one of these sweatshirts and the mesh panel running up the back will keep you cold, causing your body to burn more fat in its efforts to keep warm...’

98.12. Batters, P. (1998): Gut Your Shirt On Me. The Daily Star, Dec 18, p19.
‘...A SHIRT which burns off your beer gut will soon be in the shops. Boffin Nicholas Gracey reckons his £59.95 fatbusting Polo is a shirt-cut to slimness. The secret is a fabric strip which air-conditions the body, making it burn food more efficiently. Biochemist Mr Gracey said: "When the spine is too warm the brain reduces the amount of food and fat used for keeping warm. Fat people get fatter; even if they eat identical calories to a thin person as they hold heat longer." CLOtherapy activewear, from Melrose in the Scottish borders, uses the nervous system to beat fat and muscle fatigue. Mr Gracey is also making a work shirt as he says staying cool helps you keep your cool...’